What is an Ifa /Orisa Divination like ? What to expect and why it’s not like other popular readings

Ifa Orisa is a holistic healing and lifestyle system that addresses matters that include a combination of spiritual , social, family, psychological, public health, and physical depending on the priest’s level of education and specialties. While we use the word “reading “ when we are speaking of an Ifa or Erindinlogun consultation, they can often be misunderstood to be like that of other readings like tarot or runes, prophecy or seership, etc. People often come with a long list of concerns expecting to solve all of their problems and know their future #in an hour. The method of divination used by professional priests is called Ifa or Erindinlogun (Dinlogun). While Ifa or dilogun may predict based on current situations, it is not the fullness of what an Ifa or Dinlogun divination is for and the outcomes predicted are contingent on other factors. Ifa or Erindinlogun divination is an assessment method to evaluate issues in one’s life and determine best courses of action for optimal outcomes.

Ifa or Dinlogun consultations are more like what a doctor does and pharmacist carry out. The consultation can  be a means of performing preventative care, a check up, addressing a problem, supporting an ongoing condition, or facilitating a life change we desire. It is performed by a fully initiated priests  that have undergone years of  apprenticeship under an experienced elder and an advanced degree level of study.  These priests utilize  spiritual technologies to  diagnosis a situation, evaluate the findings, then offer a prescription.They can offer great insights about your life path and  they are ideal for pinpointing deficiencies or imbalances that inhibit the quality of our lives. Because we are not dealing with just a divination device but actual spiritual forces, a consultation may address what the client came fore Or it can  speak to other things that may be more pressing that you were not aware of.

Ifa Orisa priests undergo extensive training and an apprenticeship.

Diagnosis : Dafa or Idaasa (Dilogun)

This diagnosis will include pulling an Odu with a specific signature identifying details about the persons situation. Often it will not include a lot of different topics but focus on a chief complaint.  However,  Odu pulled will often address the root of what appears to be many different things. An Odu may include a risk assessment, troubleshoot problems, and offer and warnings from known and unknown threats to the wellbeing of self and or family. The reading may include direct messages from the orisa, ancestors, or egbe or it may give practical messages . It may also include a narrative approach that provide potential scenarios and metaphors for the clients situation and potential outcomes.

A good diviner will know how to determine orientation of problems and an in depth analysis of the underlying situation. The orientation will determine if the client is in alignment, or if challenges require them to address some problems preventing good fortune. A diagnosis may include problematic habits, attitudes, behaviors, spiritual roots, surrounding forces, ancestral, societal, and Orisa issues . Psycho spiritual issues to soul contracts, prenatal issues, Ori, soul clan related issues and more.

Prescription: The Ebo

Once the analysis and diagnosis is done, an inquiry is made to determine what can be done to prevent , heal, mitigate, modify, or support the situation for the best outcome. This is determining the prescription that we call Ebo and also distinguishes Ifa or Dinlogun from other readings. The diviner utilizes their knowledge, relationship, and experience with Orisa, Ancestors, and Egbe engage in negotiations  on behalf of the client. The Ebo determine s strategies for improvement. The Ebo may include attitudinal and character adjustments for the querent. It may also include offerings to those forces. Often it will also include Eewo or taboos which are things, habits, situations the person needs to avoid in order to prevent unpleasant consequences or circumstances.

Offerings act as a type of spiritual currency of natural materials designed to mitigate, stop, modify, or improve outcomes for better spiritual life health. The spiritual world functions like the physical world in that it has its own currency and laws to operate under and the items required for offerings fulfill those obligations. The Ebo, like a prescription is in addition to the cost of the consultation. Depending on what is required determines the cost. Whatever the Ebo is, it is suggested that it be carried out as quickly as  possible. Even when a divination in ire or in alignment, often it means it can only happen with Ebo. In Ayewo it may be that the problem may still happen , but with Ebo to a lessor degree or the client may not have the same level of problem.

Performing the Ebo

Once the Ebo has been determined, the next step is carrying out the Ebo on be half of the client. This is another level of the diviners expertise that differs from a conventional reading. Priests are custodians of  live shrines that amass enormous spiritual power and this is where the offerings are made. Offerings may include food, natural materials up to and including animals and blood for more serious threats and issues. It may include hard to find items that come from overseas. Some strategies for improvement may include initiation to restructure one’s life for a smother functioning aligned with life goals and soul purpose. Other applications may include preparing special medicines through their knowledge of herbs and other natural substances to bring balance. Sometimes the priest are at risk because of the level of work involved in helping the client remove whatever is blocking them. Many clients have issues that involve spiritual attacks, spiritual debts, toxic situations  etc that could backlash on the Diviner if they are not careful. The Ebo concludes after all requirements are fulfilled and an additional reading is done to determine if the Ebo was accepted. This means that the spirits invoked have agreed to assist and support the client in the matter . What many don’t realize is how much time performing the Ebo may take in addition to the reading. Time includes attaining the items, preparation, application, time and gas, additional helpers in addition to the assessment  all to help the client have a better life.

These are some of the reasons Ifa and Orisa priest and their divinations are not like other readings. It’s why they may be more expensive sometimes and why clients must adjust their expectations of them. Ifa Orisa priests are well educated  and skilled professionals and the work is not a weekend hobby. It is a lifestyle and they have dedicated their lives to being of service. Sacrifices of many years  , an enormous amount of time, money and education have gone into learning what may seem like a seamless process to the outsider.

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