
Articles and Writings by

Ayele Kumari

Primordial Witches of Africa

Invocation of the African Goddess

Awakening the Sacred Python- Article for Fellowship of Isis

Solving Black Relationships through Divination

Magical Conception: Holistic Fertility Methods

Wikipedia Iyami Aje  ( Original article with Contributions from Others over time)

Interview with Bone Reader Ayele Kumari

Excerpt from Spirit Rising: Womens Workbook for Healing and Empowerment

Excerpt from Magical Calabash

Return to Mago Magazine – Iyami and the Roots of Power in the Ifa Orisa Traditoin

Interview with Ayele Kumari about Flower Essences

Case Study- Flower Essences for Depression and Overwhelm

Articles on African Womanhood

Disclaimer: Articles are presented for information purposes only. They do not necessarily indicate Dr. Kumari is in full agreement with the entirety of the articles.

Not Just a Pretty Face: Women as storytellers and subjects in Sudan

Dahomey Queen Mother Kpojito

Images of Women in Yoruba Folktales

Blood of Mothers

Proverbial Oppression in Yoruba Women

Articles on Ifa Orisa Tradition

Disclaimer: Articles are presented for information purposes only. They do not necessarily indicate Dr. Kumari is in full agreement with the entirety of the articles.

The Story of Oluwo: The First Woman initiated into Ifa

Ògbóni New Perspective Babatunde Lawal

Seeing Through a Woman’s Eye: Yoruba Religious Tradition 


Bag of Wisdom

Art and the perception of women