Cultivating Emotional Maturity

Ifa speaks a lot about character. It teaches  how to have better character because this leads to positive developments in one’s life.

Odu ifa Irosun Oturupon is an example:

Pupadamofunfun divined Ifa for Soponna Af’olugboroda ju-oran-ru, whose character would not let the people speak good of his name. He was asked to sacrifice so that Orunmila might help to amend his character.

Sometimes  the goat that needs to be sacrificed is the  one in your own attitude.  When many people encounter problems in their lives, especially repeated ones, the problem is often in one’s attitude and or approach. Often, the solution is in developing a psychological and emotionally mature response, especially when triggered. We assume that being an adult or even up in age means one is also emotionally mature. However it is possible for some to experience arrested development as adults especially if they never got over trauma in their childhood or early adult life. It then would cause repeated problems in their adult life in relationships, on the job etc. Many do not realize that the inability to develop emotional maturity can result in dis ease in the body. The body responds to the emotions and mind. To have the best outcomes, cultivating emotional maturity is essential for personal evolution and happiness.

Here are some practical ways to cultivate emotional maturity:

1. Embrace Flexibility: Life doesn’t always go according to plan. Practice being adaptable when faced with unexpected changes or setbacks. For instance, if something doesn’t go as you thought, explore alternative solutions and keep moving forward.

2. Take Ownership & Responsibility: Reflect on your actions and choices. Instead of blaming others, take responsibility for your mistakes. This self-honesty allows for personal growth and learning from past experiences.

3. Be open to different Perspectives: recognize that you don’t know everything. Respect and appreciate different viewpoints. Engage in conversations that expose you to new ideas and perspectives. This helps you broaden your understanding and make more informed decisions.

4. Nurture Resilience: When things don’t go your way or  faced with disappointments, acknowledge your emotions, but don’t let them escalate and overwhelm you. Take proactive steps to breathe,  assess your options, and move forward with determination.

5. Cultivate Emotional Coolness: Practice maintaining a composed and calm demeanor even in emotionally charged situations. Take a step back, breathe, and approach challenges with a clear and rational mindset. This allows for better decision-making.

6. Foster Approachability: Create an environment where open and empathetic communication can thrive. Listen actively to others, suspend judgment, and seek to understand their perspectives. This promotes meaningful connections and understanding.

7. Stop taking everything personally. Resize that everyone’s behavior is more about what’s going on with them than you.They may not have developed the emotional maturity to realize that yet. Instead realize while you can’t control what others think say or do, you can control your own response.

8. Seek Opportunities for Growth: View every experience as an opportunity for personal development. Reflect on the lessons learned from both successes and failures. Ask yourself, “How can I learn and grow from this situation?”

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