Beyond Divination: Why you may need Personal Mentoring or Spiritual Life Coaching Instead

As a diviner, one of my jobs is to help people solve problems and improve the quality of their life. Ifa is renowned for its problem solving approach in that it takes a consultation beyond just information to how to activate solutions through spiritual forces. Bone divination give you an insight far beyond most methods into up to 13 areas of your life so both methods have their advantages. But I have also seen that many people need more than what divination or a one time session can offer.

Sometimes in addition to divination, people need sessions that supports their spiritual emotional wellness or need guidance in their overall spiritual life. Many of the issues approached through divination require character or attitudinal adjustment and that is way more difficult than the Ebo (spiritual solution) itself. Many problems we face are because of unconscious habits, approaches, or beliefs that create blocks in our life. After years of addressing these issues with clients, I began offering personal mentoring Sessions as a solution, but as the needs of my clients became more defined, I now offer 2 types of sessions that can meet these unique needs. African Soul Therapy (AST) and Personal Mentoring.

African Soul Therapy addresses, often in a series of sessions (2 or more) areas of challenge And personal life struggles where you need guidance and/ or support to move forward. These sessions help you unpack the roots of your issues and discover Ways to resolve them to create inner transformation and soul healing. These sessions bring my 30+years as a diviner, traditional healer , intuitive spiritual therapist, Ifa Orisa Priest, mother of 5 and grandmother of 9 to the table so that you can gain from my all my experience. They may incorporate any number of therapeutic spiritual tools to help you. These sessions are not intended for long term ongoing problems. They are better served as therapeutic intensives designed to help you overcome those problems. It’s kind of like a personal soul retreat where the focus is you! Below are just a few of the issues that may be resolved through African Soul Therapy are:

  • Resolving early emotional trauma and healing past wounds
  • Support through a relationship or a breakup
  • Managing life and stress
  • Resolving family issues such as with mother, father, siblings.
  • Healing generational patterns
  • Healing personal pain
  • Overcoming anxiety, fear, depression, anger, or self esteem issues
  • Understanding your true purpose
  • Uncovering your internal blocks to happiness
  • Understanding the events in your life
  • Manifesting what you want in life
  • Developing a sense of empowerment
African Soul Therapy or Spiritual Life Coaching offers a spiritual approach to healing emotional Life challenges and overcoming blocks.

Personal Mentoring

African Soul Therapy differs from Personal Mentoring in that Personal Mentoring will now focus on personal learning in particular areas of growth. Many people are curious about the Ifa Orisa tradition for instance. Personal Mentoring can help that person to discover if this path is right for them or another. It can give people an opportunity to discuss with a tenured priest without any pressure to join anything how , if, or what to do. It can help you navigate the lineages, how to choose or find a god parent, nuances, and filter out scammers and dead ends as well as make the transition from Abrahamic faiths to an ATR.

Personal Mentoring can offer Personal and professional support to meet your goals.

Personal Mentoring can also help support the development of people who are initiated but may be separated from the priest who initiated them. They may want to learn how to cultivate their personal priesthood , better use their shrines, or cultivate a strong relationship with their Orisa.

Personal Mentoring can also help those who wish to learn how to tap your spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance, empath. Many people have gifts and want to know how to use them to begin new careers with them. Personal mentoring can be a private class where you learn how to become an Oracle, or other personal teaching. These are just a few sessions that allow you to go beyond simple divination to really transforming your life on a therapeutic level.

To schedule an appointment for African Soul Therapy or Personal Mentoring click HERE.


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